Dear friends,
a long time has gone by since we last met. The pandemic situation we are currently living in made everyone's life more complex but it never stopped our hopes to start again and share more musical and artistic moment, together with you!
Here we are, and we are here to say, with strong emotions and pride, WE'RE STARTING AGAIN!
On May 22, 2021, the COMO CONTEMPORARY FESTIVAL, a festival of contemporary music and other arts giving center stage to contemporaneity!
This year we are honored to be able to collaborate with Fondazione Bortolaso-Totaro-Sponga and with the Association Arte&Arte that will host our performances at the magnificent Salon in Villa Olmo in Como, and to be able to count once again on the partnership with Mantero 1902.
Our initiative, part of the biennial program of the Lake Como Cultural District called PIC "Un Tesoro di Territorio" (A Treasure of a Territory), is made possible with the grants by Regione Lombardia, by Como Municipality, by Camera di Commercio di Como-Lecco and Cassa Rurale Ed Artigiana Di Cantù, whom we are thanking from the deep of our hearts.
Soon the full calendar and program, stay tuned!
#comocontemporaryfestival #miniartextil #fondazionetotarobortolasosponga #associazioneculturalepolifonie #regionelombardia #comunedicomo #pic #cassaruraleedartigianadicantu #contemporarymusic

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