Agustìn Castellòn Molina won the 5th International Composition Competition Appassionato Ensemble

Agustìn Castellòn Molina e la Giuria

Agustìn Castellòn Molina and his score "Sinuosa... Emergiò desde el violeta" won the first prize of the V International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble". The final parts of the Competition took place in Como at the Silk Museum (Museo della Seta) on Dec, 11-12, 2021 during the finissage of the exhibition Bodies without Organs within Como Contemporary Festival - International Festival of Contemporary Music and Other Arts.

Many congratulations from the staff of Cultural Association Polifonie, from the Jury and from all the members of Appassionato Ensemble, who have played the five finalist scores for an interested and focused public.

We would like to thank all of our partners for their valuable collaboration as well as all those who have made this Festival possible. Special thanks also go to all of you, who took part in the final concert yesterday. See you soon!


The "Corpo Senza Organi" exhibition's vernissage is a big success

Yesterday’s vernissage of Marco Frigerio’s Corpo Senza Organi (Body without Organs) and Alessandro Perini’s Fossili Sonori (Sound Fossils) exhibition reopened Como Contemporary Festival – International Contemporary Music and other Arts Festival, was a big success.

Many people attended and could ask questions and talk directly with the artists and listen to their conference. Watching the artists discuss, stimulating each other and asking questions one another, in a continuous intertwining of thoughts and arts that captured the audience was really interesting.

The exhibition will be open until December 12, at the Silk Museum (Museo della Seta) in Como. On Dec. 12 the finissage will take place with a contemporary music concert performed by Appassionato Ensemble, which will cover the finalist scores of the 5th International Composition Competition organized by the Association (Associazione Culturale Polifonie).

For all information and to reserve a seat, please go to the following link (click here)

Click on the photos to see the gallery.

Ingresso ridotto per i soci di Polifonie al concerto di Sollima al Teatro Sociale

Giovedi 16 dicembre alle 20.30 si terrà un concerto di Giovanni Sollima presso il Teatro Sociale di Como.

Per tutti i soci dell’Associazione Culturale Polifonie è possibile prenotare i biglietti ad un prezzo ridotto di 10,00 euro (invece che 24,50).

Per chi volesse partecipare basterà scrivere una mail all’indirizzo e indicare i nomi dei partecipanti; entrerete in una lista di prenotazione che verrà consegnata al Teatro Sociale.

Quindi acquisterete il biglietto ridotto il giorno del concerto presso la biglietteria del Teatro stesso.

Affrettatevi, è un’occasione da non perdere!


Per maggiori info sul concerto vai al seguente link (click here)