Today, October 27, 2021, the members of the jury, Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy), chaired by Alessandro Solbiati (Italy) selected the finalist scores of the 5th International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2021.
We received 96 scores from 31 countries from all over the world.
Below is the list of the selected finalist scores:
- “Altri spettri” for violin, cello, clarinet and piano, Stefano Bonilauri (Italy);
- “Pale flower IVb” for viola solo, by Zhuosheng Jin (China)
- “Photochoromosomes: Lines II” for bass clarinet, violin, viola, cello and piano, by Emircan Pehlivan (Turkey);
- “Rapsodia Mechanica” for alto flute, clarinet, cello and piano, by, by Sungtae Paek (Republic of Korea)
- “Sinuosa… emergiò desde el violeta” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Agustìn Felipe Ignacio Castellòn Molina (Cile).
The Jury also assegned a special mention to the following scores:
- “B.cLoUd.E” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by, by Iakovos Maimaris (Cipro);
- “Colorabilia” for clarinet, cello and piano, by Miguel Alejandro Mata Sanchez (Mexico).
The five finalist scores will be performed on December 12, 2021, at the Museo della Seta in Como, during the final evening of Como Contemporary Festival 2021. At the end of the concert the Jury will meet to select the winner. The prize-giving ceremony will be held at the end of the concert.
Our congratulations go to the five finalist authors, who will be our valued guests in Como during Como Contemporary Festival 2021. Accommodation for the finalists has been made possible also by the generous contributions of Comune di Como and Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cantù BCC.
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