Category: Concerti
Concerto conclusivo di Como Contemporary Festvila 2022
Giovanni Sollima e i violoncelli-scultura
Concerto “Intorno al ‘900”
Concerto “Between two worlds”
Polifonie International Music Masterclass – Concerto inaugurale
Riparte Como Contemporary Festival 2022
The Como Contemporary Festival 2022 reopens its doors!
This third edition, opened with a marvelous concert in February at the Teatro Sociale in Como, had a long pause before entering its liveliest moment when its events will make contemporary music co-habit and dialogue with the other arts.
A series of concerts are ready to make us dive into the contemporary sounds, atmospheres, artistic manufacts, which, working all together as a unique art, will make us feel deeply and know a lot of new music!
Here’s the program of our festival:
When? From Nov. 1 to Dec. 9, 2022
Where? At Villa Olmo in Como, at the Palace Hotel and at the Cathedral in Como, too.
- “Concerto inaugurale delle Polifonie International Music Masterclass“
- “Intorno al ‘900”, concerto per violoncello e pianoforte
- “Beetween two worlds“, musiche per ensemble
- “Giovanni Sollima e i violoncelli scultura”
- “Concerto Finale e premiazione del 6° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble“
- “Missa Solemnis”, per soli, coro e orchestra
For all the details follow us or click here: Como Contemporary Festival 2022 – Associazione Culturale Polifonie Como Contemporary Festival 2022 – Associazione Culturale Polifonie
We’re already announcing that it twill be possible to subscribe to the entire festival with a small amount and this includes the fee to become a Supporting Member of the Associazione!
Cello Masterclass: news
The Associazione Culturale Polifonie is glad to announce the names of the candidates selected for the first edition of the Polifonie International Music Masterclass, a high-profile didactic initiative dedicated to young talented musicians and university students from all over the world.
Among the many applications received from a large number of countries worldwide, the following candidates have been selected:
Kristin Patschinsky (GER)
Wendel Elias (SVI)
Jeanne-Catherine Wecker (GER)
Francesca Bosisio (ITA)
Leonardo Preitano (ITA)
Julianna Antczak (POL-UK)
Michele Mazzola (ITA)
Aloisa Wetter (AUS)
Matteo Ferraro (ITA)
Andrea Stringhetti (ITA)
Carlota Giordanelli (COL-GER)
The candidates will have the privilege of improving, between October 29 and November 5 of the current year, their cello studies with Matias de Oliveira Pinto, a musician of Brazilian origins who’s been residing for many years now in Germany. The Masterclass includes also a number of public concerts, so that this experience can become a culture meeting, music experience, culture and creativity spreading occasion and a chance for an open discussion in Como’s territory.
And, talking about this, we’d like to remind you that the Polifonie International Music Masterclasses will open officially on November 1, with a concert for Cellos Ensemble that will take place in the rooms of Villa d’Este in Cernobbio (CO), to which everyone is invited.
Always in Cernobbio, at the museum-house Villa Bernasconi, on November 3, there will be an open doors lessons day and a public exhibition by the students, in a program dedicated to the solo cello, with a special attention given to the contemporary repertoire.
The initiative’s final concert, within the Como Contemporary Festival - Festival Internazionale di Musica Contemporanea e Altre Arti (International Festival of Contemporary Music and Other Arts) program, will see the teachers of the Masterclass performing, and will be held on November 5 in the Villa Olmo Salon, in Como.
Polifonie International Music Masterclass
Associazione Culturale Polifonie organizes the first edition of the Polifonie International Music Masterclass, a high-profile didactic project dedicated to young talented musicians and university students from all over the world.
The idea was born thanks to the persistent desire of Associazione Culturale Polifonie to make room to young people and culture, offering a High Music Specialization Course to young talents from all over the world, as well as concerts open to the locals, in order to support the spread of culture and music also through this experience in Como’s territory.
The main aim of the Polifonie International Music Masterclass is to create a didactic-cultural hub and transform it into a landmark for young musicians from all over the world within the coming years. Inviting the most eminent professors and artists from the international musical scene, we would like to transform Como into a land of encounters, passion, creativity and exchange.
This year’s High Specialization Music Masterclass is dedicated to the Cello and appointed to the capable hands of Matias de Oliveira Pintoa Brazilian, worldwide renowned, musician based in Germany. It will take place from October, 29th to November, 5th 2022.
The Polifonie International Music Masterclass will officially be inaugurated on November 1, 2022 with a Cello Ensemble concert in the luxurious venues of Villa D’Este in Cernobbio. This first edition of the Masterclasses will come to an end on November, 5th, at Villa Olmo’s Salone in Como, with the professors’ concert, included in the program of Como Contemporary Festival – International Festival of Contemporary Music and Other Arts.
The classes will take place in Cernobbio (CO), a town next to Como, at the Sala Polifunzionale of the Cernobbio municipality and in the museum house Villa Bernasconi, where, on November 3rd, an entire day of open classes will take place and where the students will perform in a concert open to the public a program based on the cello solo repertoire, with a focus on contemporary repertoire.
Two Prize-concerts will be awarded to the most deserving student, chosen by a jury chaired by the professor himself:
- A concerto for cello and orchestra, offered by Associazione Culturale Polifonie, which will take place in Como in the 2023 season, in collaboration with the Franz Terraneo Orchestra (repertoire for cello and chamber orchestra)
- A cello solo recital, kindly offered by the Fondazione La Società dei Concerti di Milano, which will be included in the 2023/2024 Season.
During their staying on Como’s territory, the students will be welcomed in the town of Cernobbio. The small distance between practicing spots, concerts venues and hosting structures will allow them to completely focus on the work scheduled for this intensive week of music.
The inauguration concert of the Masterclass will take place in the town of Cernobbio as well, when the young talents will perform an engaging program for Cello Ensemble in the luxurious rooms of Villa D’Este, a world-renowned hotel, considered to be one of the most beautiful and important hotels in the world.

Villa D’Este – Cernobbio (Co)
The project is realized thanks to the contribution of Regione Lombardia, of PIC Piano Integrato della Cultura “Un Tesoro di Territorio” – a biannual project of the cultural department of Lake Como financed by Regione Lombardia and coordinated and sustained by Camera di Commercio di Como-Lecco - , of Comune di Como, of Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cantù, thanks to the support of Comune di Cernobbio, of Villa Bernasconi and Villa D’Este, as well as of the precious collaboration of Fondazione La Società dei Concerti di Milano, of Chamber Orchestra Franz Terraneo, of Mantero Seta, of Fondazione Bortolaso Totaro Sponga, and of all the accommodation and hosting structures friends of Associazione Culturale Polifonie of Como.
VU-Orkest, da Amsterdam a Como