VIII Concorso Internazionale di Composizione “Appassionato Ensemble” 2024

Si comunica che per cause di forza maggiore l’VIII edizione del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble è stata annullata.
Le iscrizioni già pervenute verranno rimborsate,
Per ulteriori dettagli contattare la segreteria all’indirizzo  

We inform you that due to force majeure the VIII edition of the Appassionato Ensemble International Composition Competition has been cancelled.
Registrations already received will be refunded.
For further details, please contact the secretariat at


Yuheng Chen wins the "Appassionato Ensemble" International Composition Competition

Yuheng Chen (China) wins the 7th edition of the International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble" 2023.

The jury made up of Vittorio Zago (President, Italy), Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy) unanimously awarded the score "Planetarium Beta" for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano.

Our congratulations go to the composer Chen and to all the finalists, who were able to listen to their scores performed by the ensemble during the final concert, held at theCentro Cardinal Ferrari in Como.

A big thank you to all the partners and to the public who participated with great interest and attention to the event.



Finalists announced at the VII International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2023

Today, October 1, 2023, the members of the jury, Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy), chaired by Vittorio Zago (Italy) selected the finalist scores of the 7th International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2023.
We received 90 scores from all over the world. 

Below is the list of the selected finalist scores:

  • “Elonei mamre” for cello, by Michael Edgerton (USA);
  • “Durchs offne Fenster” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Francesco Mariotti (Italy);
  • “There’s a Certain Slant of Light, Winter Afternoons” for violin, by Tetsuya Hori (Giappone);
  • “Until the sound is lost in the distance” for flute, by Jacopo Caneva (Italy);
  • “Planetarium Beta” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Yuheng Chen (Cina).

The five finalist scores will be performed on 11 November 2022 during Como Contemporary Festival 2023. At the end of the concert, the Jury will meet to determine the winning score. The awards ceremony will take place immediately after the concert.


Siamo felici di annunciare che in questa settima edizione del nostro concorso di composizione abbiamo ricevuto 89 partiture provenienti da 29 Paesi di tutto il Mondo. Le partiture verranno selezionate da una giuria internazionale ed eseguite all’interno di Como Contemporary Festival 2023.
Stay tuned!
We are happy to announce that in this seventh edition of our composition competition we have 89 scores from 29 countries around the world. The scores will be selected by an international jury and performed within the Como Contemporary Festival 2023.
Stay tuned!

Simone Maccaglia wins the "Appassionato Ensemble" International Composition Competition

Simone Maccaglia (Italy) wins the 6th edition of the International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble" 2022.

The jury made up of Ivan Fedele (President, Italy), Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy) unanimously awarded the score "I giardini di Adone" for solo flute.

Our congratulations go to the composer Maccaglia and to all the finalists: Danilo Karim Kaddouri (Italy), Alejandro Mata (Mexico), Maurizio Tedde (Italy) and Miguel Rivera (Mexico) who were able to listen to their scores performed by the ensemble during the final concert, held at the Villa Olmo Hall, within the contemporary art exhibition "Rosa Alchemico" - MINIARTEXTIL 2022.

A big thank you to all the partners and to the large public who participated with great interest and attention to the event.

Riparte Como Contemporary Festival 2022

The Como Contemporary Festival 2022 reopens its doors!

This third edition, opened with a marvelous concert in February at the Teatro Sociale in Como, had a long pause before entering its liveliest moment when its events will make contemporary music co-habit and dialogue with the other arts. 
A series of concerts are ready to make us dive into the contemporary sounds, atmospheres, artistic manufacts, which, working all together as a unique art, will make us feel deeply and know a lot of new music!

Here’s the program of our festival:

When? From Nov. 1 to Dec. 9, 2022
Where? At Villa Olmo in Como, at the Palace Hotel and at the Cathedral in Como, too.

  • Concerto inaugurale delle Polifonie International Music Masterclass
  • Intorno al ‘900”, concerto per violoncello e pianoforte
  • Beetween two worlds“, musiche per ensemble
  • Giovanni Sollima e i violoncelli scultura
  • Concerto Finale e premiazione del 6° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble
  • Missa Solemnis”, per soli, coro e orchestra

For all the details follow us or click here: Como Contemporary Festival 2022 – Associazione Culturale Polifonie Como Contemporary Festival 2022 – Associazione Culturale Polifonie

We’re already announcing that it twill be possible to subscribe to the entire festival with a small amount and this includes the fee to become a Supporting Member of the Associazione!


Finalists announced at the VI International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2022

Today, October 5, 2022, the members of the jury, Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy), chaired by Ivan Fedele (Italy) selected the finalist scores of the 7th International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2022.
119 scores were received from 24 countries around the world (Italy, Spain, Canada, England, France, Israel, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Korea, Iran, Taiwan, Japan, China, Australia, Switzerland, Austria, Colombia , Turkey, Egypt, Germany, Portugal, Hungary).

Below is the list of the selected finalist scores:

  • “I giardini di Adone” for flute, by Simone Maccaglia (Italy);
  • “Ceci n’est pas un trio à cordes” for viola, violin and cello, by Alejandro Mata (Mexico/France)
  • “Sette parole” for flute, clarinet and violin, by Danilo Karim Kaddouri (Italy);
  • “Imágenes en mente de la mujer-pájaro” for flute, clarinet and pianoby Miguel Rivera (Mexico).
  • “Sulla vita di Owen Aherne” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Maurizio Tedde (Italy).

The five finalist scores will be performed on 13 November 2022 at Villa Olmo in Como. At the end of the concert, the Jury will meet to determine the winning score. The awards ceremony will take place immediately after the concert.

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