Category: Concorso Internazionale di Composizione
VI International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble" 2022
Agustìn Castellòn Molina won the 5th International Composition Competition Appassionato Ensemble
Agustìn Castellòn Molina and his score "Sinuosa... Emergiò desde el violeta" won the first prize of the V International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble". The final parts of the Competition took place in Como at the Silk Museum (Museo della Seta) on Dec, 11-12, 2021 during the finissage of the exhibition Bodies without Organs within Como Contemporary Festival - International Festival of Contemporary Music and Other Arts.
Many congratulations from the staff of Cultural Association Polifonie, from the Jury and from all the members of Appassionato Ensemble, who have played the five finalist scores for an interested and focused public.
We would like to thank all of our partners for their valuable collaboration as well as all those who have made this Festival possible. Special thanks also go to all of you, who took part in the final concert yesterday. See you soon!
Como Contemporary Festival reopens with the exhibition "Body without Organs" by Marco Frigerio and "Sound Fossils" by Alessandro Perini
Como Contemporary Festival reopens its doors after the summer break with the photography exhibition Corpo Senza Organi (Body Without Organs) by Marco Frigerio and the sound art works by Alessandro Perini ( Fossili Sonori, Sound Fossils )
he exhibition will be hosted by the Museo della Seta (Silk museum) in Como from December 1 till December 12 and will also welcome the finalists if the 5th edition of the International Composition Competition Appassionato Ensemble. The final concert and the award ceremony will take place on Sunday, December 12, at 5 p.m., with the presence of tbe jury chaired by Alessandro Solbiati.
During this final evening the art works on display will be accompanied by the sounds of a contemporary music concert , as it is an established tradition of this festival, whose aim is to be a place and time for socializing and sharing, when music blends with and contaminates other art forms.
During the exhibition it will be possible to view the works that represent the foundation of Frigerio's research in the last 15 years, therefore his works "informed" by the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (1. Body without Organs - Probe Heads; Cartographies, Apparatus of Capture) , the works linked to that aspect of his research aimed at specifically redefining the limits of the photographic language (Unthinkable Ethnographies), his Crucifixions will also be exhibited, made with large-format Polaroids (20x25cm), in which the artist investigates that neutral, void and naked space in which life and death breathe together, and also will be exhibited the large-scale prints of the Working Class series, the artist's first work aimed at investigating the effects of capitalism in modern society...
The exhibition also includes works by the Como-born artist Alessandro Perini - who moved 12 years ago to Malmö, Sweden - whose works range from instrumental and electronic music to audiovisual and light-based works, net-art, land-art and vibration-based works, recently focusing on custom-built machines. For Como Contemporary Festival Perini will show two of his Sound Fossils, clay artifacts the shape of which is derived from sonic / geological phenomena.
All of this is made possible thanks to the contributes of Regione Lombardia, of the PIC Piano Integrato della Cultura “Un Tesoro di Territorio” – a biennial program of the cultural district of Lake Como, funded by Regione Lombardia and coordinated and supported by Camera di Commercio di Como-Lecco -, of Comune di Como (Como Municipality) and of Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cantù, our official sponsor for this year.
Opening time: every day from 2pm to 6pm (closed on Mondays)
Where: Como Silk Museum, Via Castelnuovo, 9
Vernissage December 1st, 5.00 pm - Opening of the exhibition (free entry) and conference with the artists
Finissage 12 December, 5.00 pm - Contemporary music concert with Appassionato Ensemble (by reservation)
Finalists announced at the V International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2021
Today, October 27, 2021, the members of the jury, Mehdi Khayami (Iran) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy), chaired by Alessandro Solbiati (Italy) selected the finalist scores of the 5th International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2021.
We received 96 scores from 31 countries from all over the world.
Below is the list of the selected finalist scores:
- “Altri spettri” for violin, cello, clarinet and piano, Stefano Bonilauri (Italy);
- “Pale flower IVb” for viola solo, by Zhuosheng Jin (China)
- “Photochoromosomes: Lines II” for bass clarinet, violin, viola, cello and piano, by Emircan Pehlivan (Turkey);
- “Rapsodia Mechanica” for alto flute, clarinet, cello and piano, by, by Sungtae Paek (Republic of Korea)
- “Sinuosa… emergiò desde el violeta” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Agustìn Felipe Ignacio Castellòn Molina (Cile).
The Jury also assegned a special mention to the following scores:
- “B.cLoUd.E” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by, by Iakovos Maimaris (Cipro);
- “Colorabilia” for clarinet, cello and piano, by Miguel Alejandro Mata Sanchez (Mexico).
The five finalist scores will be performed on December 12, 2021, at the Museo della Seta in Como, during the final evening of Como Contemporary Festival 2021. At the end of the concert the Jury will meet to select the winner. The prize-giving ceremony will be held at the end of the concert.
Our congratulations go to the five finalist authors, who will be our valued guests in Como during Como Contemporary Festival 2021. Accommodation for the finalists has been made possible also by the generous contributions of Comune di Como and Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cantù BCC.
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Sunghyun Lee vince il IV Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble
Sunghyun Lee si aggiudica con la partitura “Andante luminoso I” per ottavino, violino e violoncello, il primo premio del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble, le cui selezioni si sono svolte online nel 2020 e si sono concluse domenica 27 giugno 2021 in un concerto aperto al pubblico presso il Salone di Villa Olmo a Como.
A lui vanno i complimenti da parte di tutto lo staff dell’Associazione Culturale Polifonie, della Giuria Internazionale e di tutti i membri di Appassionato Ensemble, che hanno eseguito una partitura davvero interessante e complessa, apprezzata anche da tutto il pubblico presente in sala.
Ringraziamo tutti i partner per la preziosa collaborazione e tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a rendere possibile la nostra manifestazione. Un grazie speciale va a tutti voi che avete partecipato così numerosi al concerto di premiazione. A presto!
SOLD OUT concerto del 27/06/2021
No more seats available for this greatly inspiring concert!
A tribute to contemporary, living composers, a new generation of composers and performers that innovate, projecting in the future the tradition of classical instruments and music.
We love our followers and our public, showing deep interest in new generations of composers and musicians.
Once again, we’re excited to welcome you today afternoon and to hug you musically.
See you in Como, at Villa Olmo's salon!
For those who couldn’t make it, as they aren’t able to attend or couldn’t find a seat, we’ll be looking forward towards meeting you at our next events!
Final concert of the 4th Edition of the International Composition Competition Appassionato Ensemble at Villa Olmo
- “7 etudes in variation form” for violin, cello and piano, by Luca Vago (Italy).
- “Andante luminoso I” for flute, violin and cello, by Sunghyun Lee (South Korea);
- “Don’t be rude, kids” for violin, cello and piano, by Hyeokjae Kim (South Korea – Austria);
- “If we had not get divided” for flute, violin and cello, by Akin Kilis (Turchia)
- “A raid on the inarticulate” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, by Francesco Mariotti (Italy);
To purchase the tickets (entrance to the concert and exhibition 5€) click here
Al via Como Contemporary Festival 2021
Como Contemporary Festival 2021 vuole essere anzitutto un momento d’incontro, di ritrovo, in cui la musica contemporanea si intreccia e si contamina con altre arti, per dare vita ad un ciclo di eventi unici. Durante il Festival, mantenendo sempre in primo piano la musica d’oggi, alle composizioni musicali si affiancano altre forme di espressione artistica come la fotografia, la sound art, la fiber art e la poesia e vengono presentate opere musicali composte per l’occasione ed eseguite in prima assoluta.
La seconda edizione del festival si rinnova per quanto concerne location e partnership e vedrà la partecipazione di artisti di chiara fama. Primo fra tutti Sandro Laffranchini, primo violoncello del Teatro alla Scala, che si esibirà nel concerto d’apertura presso il Salone di Villa Olmo a Como. Ci sarà Stefano Cerrato, virtuoso violoncellista italiano e interprete di fama internazionale, il quale si esibirà da solista insieme con il suo On the Bridge Cello Ensemble, ensemble di 12 violoncellisti che affronterà un repertorio focalizzato su musiche del ventesimo e ventunesimo secolo, anche in prima assoluta. Avremo ospiti il raffinato violinista scaligero Fulvio Liviabella in duo con Federica Sainaghi all’arpa, che si cimenteranno in un programma con brani di varie epoche ed in prima assoluta e vedremo inoltre la partecipazione di Alessandro Perini and Sofia Avramidou, che saranno impegnati in un dibattito/conferenza sullo sviluppo della musica contemporanea e delle tecnologie (live electronics e sound art), e della contaminazione della musica con altre forme d’arte.
Tra le partnership di quest’anno avremo il piacere di collaborare con la Fondazione Bortolaso-Totaro-Sponga, curatrice della mostra Methamorphosis presso Villa Olmo a Como, l’associazione Arte&Arte ideatrice della XXX Mostra Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea MINIARTEXTIL, e il Museo della Seta, dove verrà allestita una mostra fotografica dello straordinario artista Marco Frigerio.
5° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione “Appassionato Ensemble” 2021
Italian version
English version