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with the contribution of
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We are pleased to inform you that the final round of the IV International Composition Competition Appassionato Ensemble will take place in June 26-27, 2021 in Como (location and schedule to be announced), according to the following calendar:
June 26, 2021 - Rehearsals with the composers
June 27, 2021 - Final concert and winner announcement
An attendance fee is provided for the foreign composers and for the participants whose domicile is located farther than 200 km from Como (please contact us at
If a participant will not be able to attend the final round of the Competition, they will not have access to the attendance fee.
with the contribution of
Today, September 28, 2020, the members of the jury, Mehdi Khayami (Iran), Sofia Avramidou (Greece) and Umberto Pedraglio (Italy), chaired by Alessandro Solbiati (Italy) selected the finalist scores of the 4th International Composition Competition “Appassionato Ensemble” 2020.
We received 87 scores from 25 countries from all over the world.
Below is the list of the selected finalist scores:
The five finalist scores will be performed on December 13, 2020, at the Villa Olmo Grand Hall in Como, during the final evening of Como Contemporary Festival 2020. At the end of the concert the Jury will meet to select the winner. The prize-giving ceremony will be held at the end of the concert.
Our congratulations go to the five finalist authors, who will be our valued guests in Como during Como Contemporary Festival 2020. Accommodation for the finalists has been made possible also by the generous contributions of Comune di Como and Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Cantù BCC.
Finally, a special thanks goes to the Jury for the intense work done and for the commitment and passion with which they selected the finalists from all the scores received.
with the contribution of
Under the patronage of
We are hereby communicating the new updates regarding the IV International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble" 2020.
The final concert will be performed on Sunday, December 13, 2020 in Villa Olmo's grand hall in Como, during the closing evening of the Como Contemporary Festival 2020 - International Festival of Contemporary Music and other Arts, in cooperation with Fondazione Bortolaso-Totaro-Sponga and Arte&Arte.
Here is an extract of the updates made to the Call (viewable in full on the page click here)
Art.6 bis (POST COVID-19 Pandemics updates)
An International Jury will meet to choose the 5 (five) finalist scores, which will be performed on Sunday, December 13, 2020 by Appassionato Ensemble in a concert open to the public in Villa Olmo’s grand hall in Como, during the closing evening of the Como Contemporary Festival 2020 - International Festival of Contemporary Music and other Arts. The concert, presenting the finalists, will be performed within Como’s prestigious Miniartextil’s International Contemporary Art Exhibition 30th Edition, in cooperation with Fondazione Bortolaso-Totaro-Sponga and Arte&Arte, and will be preceded by a conference/debate on new contemporary tendencies, on today’s music development and on the alliance between contemporary art and music. Sandro Laffranchini (principal cellist at La Scala Theatre in Milan) will open the festival, performing a solo cello recital, with 20th century music and in world premiére.
The Jury will be composed by:
Art.7 bis (POST COVID-19 Pandemics updates)
The winning work will receive a cash prize of 750 euros, an audio/video recording made by Appassionato Ensemble, a precious gift produced in cooperation with the famous Como silk textile company Mantero S.p.a. and will be published by EDIZIONI SCONFINARTE.
Finalists residing abroad or whose residence is farther than 200 kms from Como will be hosted as guests of the Associazione Culturale Polifonie (board and lodging) at guest quarters/artist’s residency on December 12 and 13, 2020..
In recognition of the Ministerial Decree of April 10th 2020 (urgent measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 all over the Country), we inform you that all of Associazione Culturale Polifonie's activities are suspended.
We moreover inform you that Como Contemporary Festival 2020 has been postponed indefinitely.
For the aforementioned reasons, applications for the IV International Competition of Composition Appassionato Ensemble 2020 have been delayed: the updated subscription term is September 1st 2020.
We inform you that we have activated Distance Teaching: please contact us for details.
Please keep the homepage of the website regularly checked for notices and communications.
The IV International Composition Competition "Appassionato Ensemble" 2020 announcement will soon be available. According to this announcement the Jury will select the finalist scores that will be premiered by Appassionato Ensemble in the next Como Contemporary Festival edition.
Stay tuned!
Il giorno 2 Giugno 2019, al termine del concerto conclusivo di Como Contemporary Festival, la Giuria composta da Sonia Bo (Italia, Presidente), Mehdi Khayami (Iran) e Umberto Pedraglio (Italia, Direttore Artistico) ha decretato la partitura:
“Aphasie” per clarinetto, violoncello e pianoforte, di Tsu-Yao Yang (Taiwan)
vincitrice del III Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Appassionato Ensemble 2019.
Oggi martedì 9 Aprile 2019 la Giur
La Giuria, composta da Sonia Bo (Italia, Presidente), Mehdi Khayami (Iran) e Umberto Pedraglio (Italia), ha potuto selezionare i brani tra le 108 partiture totali pervenute, provenienti da 32 Paesi di tutto il Mondo. Ecco le cinque partiture finaliste che domenica verranno eseguite da Appassionato Ensemble, presso l’antica Chiesa di S. Giuseppe in Valleggio (sec. XVI) a Como:
Al termine del concerto la Giuria si riunirà nuovamente per determinare la partitura vincitrice. La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà subito dopo il concerto. Vi aspettiamo numerosi anche per i saluti finali!