
The fundraising activity is aimed at Associations, Foundations, private persons, companies, interested in the Associazione Culturale Polifonie’s activities and mission.

To raise the funds needed for performing its activities towards reaching its final goals, the Associazione Culturale Polifonie has prepared some different pre-defined sponsorship levels packages to meet the different needs of its benefactors. It is always possible to request ad hoc packages, agreeing them with the Associazione, or to request an exclusive sponsorship for single projects or specific activities.

Sponsorship Packages

The packages have been designed to meet the needs of institutions and companies, but also of private benefactors.

Each package can be tailored to the sponsor and its needs of visibility and exclusivity, discussing those and the possible alternatives with the Association.

Main sponsor: una sola disponibilità

One full page on the programme

Company Logo printed on the programme, large

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, logo on the stage and/or at the entrance/exit, large

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, an area to distribute advertising and promotion material of the company, in the most attended areas

Mentions in every press release to local, regional, national media

Space and link on the website

15 invitations to concerts

15 reserved seats at concerts

Sponsor’s gadgets distribution before and after the event

Possibility of co-branding of materials used by the association during its lessons, workshops, seminars, so that the visibility of the sponsor’s effort will be prolonged in time, beyond the dates of concerts and connected exhibits.


Half page on the programme

Company Logo printed on the programme, medium-large

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, logo on the stage and/or at the entrance/exit, medium-large

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, an area to distribute advertising and promotion material of the company, in the most attended areas

Mentions in every press release to local, regional, national media

Space and link on the website

10 invitations to concerts

10 reserved seats at concerts


Company Logo printed on the programme, medium

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, logo on the stage and/or at the entrance/exit, medium

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, an area to distribute advertising and promotion material of the company, in the most attended areas

Mentions in every press release to local, regional, national media

Space and link on the website

5 invitations to concerts

5 reserved seats at concerts


Company Logo printed on the programme, small

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, logo on the stage and/or at the entrance/exit, small

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, an area to distribute advertising and promotion material of the company, in the most attended areas

Mentions in every press release to local, regional, national media

Space and link on the website

2 invitations to concerts

2 reserved seats at concerts


Company Logo printed on the programme, small

Where the concert/exhibit location makes it possible, logo on the stage and/or at the entrance/exit, small

Mentions in every press release to local, regional, national media

Space and link on the website

2 invitations to concerts

2 reserved seats at concerts

To become an Official Sponsor

Contatti l’associazione all’indirizzo info@polifonie.it per definire il livello più adatto alla Sua azienda e il contratto di sponsorizzazione.